Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas – Year 10

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Teresa Ip Mark Herman, the director of the film, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, uses significant film techniques to create empathy towards the Jewish people involved in the Holocaust. Herman delivers thought provoking ideas to illustrate the horrid events the Jews had to suffer. The significant themes that are conveyed in this film are truth and revelation, betrayal, human suffering and death. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas was set in 1942 at Auschwitz, Poland and is a historic didactic representation of the Holocaust.Truth and revelation, betrayal and death are important themes because Bruno’s betrayal of Shmuel, an inmate of the Nazi concentration camp, leaves him in a situation where he must attempt to properly mend his relationship with Shmuel, by going inside the camp to look for his father. This results in a tragic ending of both boys and they represent the thousands of people killed during the Holocaust. The truth and revelation of the Ho locaust are portrayed through the use of several dramatic film techniques allowing the audience to empathise for the Jewish people involved in the Holocaust.The audience is in disbelief and are horrified that the Nazi soldiers could be so inhumane. Truth and revelation are realised in the scene where Elsa discovers the truth about her husband’s work in the Nazi concentration camp and her opinion of him immediately changes forever. Herman uses the dialogue with Lieutenant Kotler’s rhetorical question, to Elsa, Bruno’s mother, â€Å"They smell even worse when they burn, don’t they? † to create the moment of truth for her and the audience.In this scene as the audience begins to understand the real truth and horror behind the Holocaust, they also begin to empathise with the Jewish people as the gravity of the situation begins to sink in. Furthermore, the symbolic allusion of smoke is a visual representation of the bodies being burned. The director uses this technique as a way to create further empathy towards the Jewish people. Moreover, the close-up shot of Elsa emphasises her shocked reaction and creates a more dramatic effect to the scene.In this way she represents the audience as this would hopefully be how they react. Thus, through the use of significant film techniques, Herman is able to convey thought provoking ideas based on truth and revelation to an audience. Betrayal is a theme delivered through various significant film techniques so the director is able to convey thought provoking ideas. The viewers are shocked when Bruno betrays Shmuel as they were finally united and the audience realises that Shmuel will have to suffer the consequences and the sense of hope is shattered.Setting is significant and symbolic in the scene where Bruno and Shmuel are in the same room of Bruno’s house as they are not separated by a fence here. Mark Herman has used this to heighten the betrayal even more by bringing the two of them t ogether. Furthermore, the dialogue â€Å"Little man, do you know this Jew? Do you know this Jew? † is used to manipulate Bruno to respond, â€Å"No, I just walked in and he was helping himself. I’ve never seen him before in my life. † In this way dramatic irony is used as the audience understands this to be a lie.The audience then sides with Shmuel and realise how many Jewish people were betrayed, leading them to empathise for them. Moreover, the low angle shot of Lieutenant Kotler and Bruno reinforce their superiority and power, therefore the audience see the pair as having power and this technique highlights one of the many soldiers who had authority over the Jewish people during the Holocaust. Thus, the zooming out shot of Lieutenant Kotler, Bruno and Shmuel heightening Shmuel’s innocence, lack of power and vulnerability as he is standing behind the table, covered by the glasses so the viewer can only just see his head and feet.On the other hand, Bruno is walking away with Lieutenant Kotler emphasising that he has sided with the Nazi’s. In this way, the audience realises that Bruno is not as innocent and angelic as they once thought and witness a darker side to him. Hence, the audience is able to understand betrayal through the use of significant film techniques. In the final scene of the film, death and loss are realised and these thought provoking ideas are conveyed through significant film techniques. In this way the audience is confronted with the shocking tragedy through the eyes of the director.Symbolism is portrayed in the scene where Bruno and Shmuel are inside the camp; both wearing striped pyjamas symbolically and they are finally seen as equals. The lighting gradually becomes dark, dull and grey as Bruno and Shmuel walk deeper inside the concentration camp, portraying the lack of life of the people living inside. The audience is in disbelief when they realise how horrible the concentration camps were and are is shock of how inhumane the Nazi soldiers were. Pathetic fallacy is used when the rain starts to pour and a storm begins to develop.This makes the scene more melancholic and the audience begins to anticipate that a tragedy is about to happen. Moreover, the zooming out shot of the silent anti-chamber emphasises the desolate loss of people, thus the empty striped pyjamas symbolically represent the mass death. The audience realises how many innocent people were killed and they begin to empathise for the Jews as well as having a better understanding of the Holocaust. This only resembles one of the many countless mass killings of the Jewish people that occurred.Therefore, Herman’s ideas on death and loss are able to be understood by the audience through these significant film techniques. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas focuses on the major themes of truth and revelation, betrayal, human suffering and death and loss. Herman has successfully linked these themes together through Brunoâ €™s betrayal and consequential guilt as well as Shmuel’s continuous suffering. The death and loss of both Bruno and Shmuel represent the mass genocide that occurred during the Holocaust.Herman has thus effectively conveyed his thought provoking ideas through the use of significant film techniques allowing him to evoke a sense of empathy in the audience. Betrayal, truth and revelation and death and loss are important because Bruno’s betrayal leaves him in an attempt to properly mend his relationship with Shmuel, by going inside the concentration camp to look for his father. This results in the death and loss of both and they represent the thousands of people who were killed during the Holocaust.The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas focuses on the major themes of truth and revelation, betrayal and death. Herman has successfully liked these themes together through Bruno’s betrayal and consequential guilt to make things right again between him and Shmuel. The death and loss of both Bruno and Shmuel represent the mass genocide that occurred during the Holocaust. Herman has thus effectively conveyed his though provoking ideas through significant film techniques, allowing him to evoke a sense of empathy in the audience.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gender Discrimination in Media Essay

Abstract This study examines women’s participation and representation in media. This study is based on the statistics of media units in Solapur city. Women constitute nearly 50% of population in every Indian city, but the participation of women in media is very low. Discussions of women’s representation in the media tend to revolve around the focus on physical beauty to the near-exclusion of other values. It is observed that media content about women issues is biased and gender discrimination is clearly visible .This study also suggests the ways to increase the women participation in media and the ways to rational representation of women in media. Introduction: Women constitute nearly 50% of population in India. Our social system boasts that it has given mother goddess status to women since the ancient period. But in reality society builds psychological barriers around women. This male dominated society imposed so many bindings against women. Therefore role of women was confined only to the kitchen and kids for many years. Social movement started by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Mahatma Phule, Savitribai Phule, Maharshi Karve and other social activists opened doors for women’s education. Women have benefited greatly as education provided information to them about their rights and their equal status in the society. In spite of these efforts and the 65 year long journey since India’s independence , our nation is lagging behind in many basic things. World Economic Forum conducted a study to measure gender gap. The Global Gender Gap Index examines the gap between men and women in four fundamental categories: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival and political empowerment. According to this Gender Gap Report-2011, India is included among the 20 countries, where the gender gap is widest. It holds 113th position among 134 countries in the world. This report explains that â€Å"India and Pakistan perform above average on the political empowerment of women, particularly India, but they lag behind in the other three categories. In particular, the persistent health, education and economic participation gaps will be detrimental to India’s growth. India is the lowest ranked of the BRICK economies† ( After India’s independence Women’s role in society has undergone seismic changes, which has been reflected in every walk of life. Women stepped out of four walls and succeeded in each and every field. Now women are working as pilots, soldiers, doctors, engineers, lawyers, politicians and proving their mettle in all fields. But it is ground reality that basic structure of male dominated society and roles and presumptions about women’s worlds remain the same. Still the life of majority of women in India remains unchanged. . The women who got benefited through education and succeeded to grab a job have to destine to face male supremacy. Gender discrimination is visible at every moment. Decision- making positions are not accessible for women. Many times working women have to face humiliation. Scenario in the field of media Scenario in the field of media also does not differ from it. Media Still remains as men’s world and this is global phenomena. According to the research conducted by International Women’s Media Foundation( IWMF ) 73% of the top management jobs are occupied by men compared to 27% occupied by women,Among the rank of reports , men hold nearl y two thirds of the jobs, compared to 36% held by women. These findings were collected by more than 150 researchers who interviewed executives at more than 500 companies in 59 nations. ( According to this report statistics of women’s participation in Indian media is 13. 8 % ( e.g. Chief Executive Officer ) at top management , 23.3 % ( e.g. News Directors) in senior management ,18.3% ( Chief Correspondent ) in middle management and 25.5 % ( Reportes, Sub-editors ) at junior professional level . This report reveals that women’s participation in Indian media is very low and gender discrimination is the only reason behind this. Media sector in India is very strong and particularly India ranks second in circulation of newspaper copies in the world. â€Å"The new figures show that the four largest markets for newspapers are: China with 107 million copies daily; India, with 99 million copies daily; Japan with 69 million copies daily; and the United States, with nearly 51 million.† 1 Marathi newspapers in Maharashtra are also enjoying better position. Two Marathi newspapers Lokmat and Sakal are placed among India’s top 10 largest circulated regional dailies in the IRS first quarterly report 2012 . Lokmat is at second position and Sakal is at tenth position in this list. ( â€Å" Women participation in Indian media is negligible. Though a few women were appointed by the media many were not given big responsibilities. The media should be more responsible when it comes to reporting of women’s issues.† 2 This picture is same in Mahashtra state. Solapur city is 7 th populated city in Maharastra .Population of Solapur is more than 12 lacks. There are seven dailies having circulation of more than 25000 copies per day. But participation of women in newspapers editorial staff is negligible. It is observed that young women taking admissions to the media courses is increasing during last few years. But job opportunities are not easily accessible for them. Situation in electronic media seems better than newspapers. Table no 1: Ratio of Women’s Participation in Editorial staff of Daily Newspapers in Solapur This statistics clearly reveals that women’s participation in these newspapers as reporters, sub-editors, editors is less than 3%. Women journalists are confined generally to the table duties to edit women’s page or to cover cultural events arranged for women. Important beats such as political beat, crime beat does not allotted to the female journalists. They work on junior levels .In decision making process women’s participation almost neglected in all newspapers. Table no 2 : Womens participation in electronic media in Solapur Sr no| Media Unit | Male Journalists | Female Journalists| total| 1| AIR Solapur| 05 (71..42%)| 02 (18.58%)| 06| 2| Big 92.7 FM| 03 (100.00%)| 0(00.00%)| 04| 3| IN Solapur TV channel| 08 (80.0%)| 02 (20.0%)| 10| 4| Reporters of TV channels| 09 (90.0%) | 01 (10.0%)| 10| | Total| 23 (83.34%)| 05 (16.66%)| 30| Women participation in electronic media is 16.66% as compared to mere 1.97 % in newspapers. Solapur Working Journalist Union is organization of all journalist belonging to print and electronic media in Solapur .( Table no.3 ) Not a single female journalist included among total 125 members of Solapur Working Journalist’s Union Table no 3: Members of Solapur Working Journalist Union Male Journalists | Female Journalists| 125 ( 100%)| 00 ( 00 % )| Male dominated media managements are not allowing access to the woman journalists. According to the executives of the media, woman journalists cannot work in the night shifts and they are reluctant to cover every beat assigned to them .That’s why we prefers male journalists for the job. This gender biased assumption of the media managements is contrary to the real facts. Women are actively participating in every walk of life such as armed forces, space science, entrepreneurship, education, engineering etc.They work hard without any concessions and proved their mettle. These examples prove that women are going hand-in-hand with men in every field. Therefore women can do their best in the field of media. Barkha Dutt, Nalini Singh, Mrinal Pandey, Sucheta Dalal are some prominent examples of women journalists doing brilliant job than male journalists. It reveals that only reason for the less participation of women in media is the gender bias of the management. Women’s Representation in Media Media plays an important role in the dissemination of information and knowledge to the masses. It is the role of the media to educate people and to guide them for the development of society and nation. But media content about women issues is alwayes biased and gender discrimination is clearly visible in it. Most of the woman’s organizations blame on media that it is responsible for biased and stereotype portrayal of women. Any society cannot progress without upliftment and empowerment of women .But Indian media is engaged in portraying women as housewives.† Feminists objected to the stereotypical portrayal of women as happy home- makers who were less competent than men.† 3 Now women are active participants in every walk of life. Therefore it is important to to properly project the image of women as role model. For these purpose women participation in media should be increased. But mere participation does not change the situation. .â€Å"A large proportion of women thought that there would be a change in program content with as increase in proportion of female employees program quality would improve and more balanced perspective would be emerge. .† 4 Mrs. Suhas Kumar rightly suggested that â€Å"Women must become active participants in the field of journalism and other fields of media to fulfill the all-round development of women directly and indirectly.only through their involvement in journalism women will be able to speak for themselvesand the issues relevant to them†. 8 Therefore it is necessary to appoint women as decision makers in the newspapers. Special training must be given to all editorial staff about the equality principle and the rights of women as human being. Conclusion: Male dominated newspaper industry is reluctant to give access to women journalists. Women journalists are not assigned to cover important issues. News related to women issues covered by male journalists cannot give justification to the issue. There are no guidelines for reservations for women in media jobs.Mere increases in number of women journalists cannot change the gender bias in media. Suggestions: At the end, this study concludes with some suggestions (a) There is need to recruit women journalists in proportion, giving them equal opportunity and access to work in media. (b) The important women’s issues must be rported by women journalist. (c) Special guidelines should be given to all the journalists about projecting positive and real image of woman, without any bias. (d) There should be a provision to punish guilty persons for portraying women as commodity in any advertisement, news, article etc. References 1. The Hindu online edition ,New Delhi, Jan,10, 2011.8 2. The Hindu online edition ,New Delhi, June,4 ,2008 3.Thakurta Paranjoy,Media Ethics : Truth, Fairness and Objectivity,Oxford

Monday, July 29, 2019

How to Discover Your Life Dreams

How To Discover Your Life Dreams I have an assignment for you Do you want to know why you were born? What your sacred mission In life Is? Here's what you do: Schedule a few hours for a personal retreat; a whole day is even better. Get your calendar and cross out that special day with a fat red pen. No one touches that day, It's your date where you discuss your life with God. Take that extended time of personal reflection and bring these questions with you. Here are some â€Å"heart questions† for you to answer†¦ Questions To Answer: What are your greatest strengths?What Is the primary gift that has been given to you to bless the world? What do you enjoy doing the most? What were the happiest moments of your life? What were you doing during those moments? If given an opportunity to live In anyway and do anything?no matter how crazy your choice would be?what kind of life would you choose to live? Imagine yourself on your 75th birthday: What kind of person would you want to be by that time? If family members were to honor you on your 75th birthday party, and thank you and speak about the good things that you have done,what would you want them to ay to you? Ђ Write down a tentative Personal Mission Statement: From your answers above, write a tentative Personal Mission Statement. This one sentence should express what you most deeply believe your life should attain at the end of your days. It should be inspiring and moving as well. And don't worry if it won't be perfect. Your Personal Mission Statement should undergo much revision and editing as the weeks, months, and years go by. You should review your Personal Mission Statement in prayer regularly.Finally, write down your Life-Dreams Now that eve written down a Personal Mission Statement, write down a description of your life twenty years down the road. Picture yourself, your schedule, your work, your house, your relationships, your projects, your character in vivid detail. Don't worry if you fill a few pages for your Life-Dreams. Let your heart speak as you paint in the canvas of your imagination. Create Your Financial Plan Based On Your Life-Dreams After writing your Life-Dreams document, write your financial plan: How much you should be earning next year. Writing down a financial goal is an exercise in faith.And an exercise in personal commitment. Your mind will be forced to open up and think of ways how those goals would be met. When I did this, it was as though power was being released as I wrote my financial goals. But as I scribbled on paper every crazy idea that came to my mind, I repeatedly kept going back to my divinely appointed mission in life? because that was how God was going to provide for me. Let me explain. I believe that when we're faithful to our mission and give ourselves to the world and genuinely help people live a better life, we see the world repaying back.When we give, we receive?and we Just don't receive, but we receive much more than what we have gi ven. Why? Because God has written the Law of reciprocity in the fabric of the universe. Naturally, for this Law of Reciprocity to work, you need to charge what you are worth and not undersell yourself. Earning money doesn't make you less spiritual. If the money that you're going to earn is to support your God-appointed Life-Dreams, it is very spiritual. (It's another issue altogether to be working for a religious ministry or a rather to pick up non-monetary rewards in the after life.So far, Vive been able to attain my financial goals?enough to support my family and more than enough to be generous to those in need? the second part being an intrinsic part of my mission. But more importantly, by creating a financial plan based on my Life-Dreams, I live deliberately, and money is still connected to my mission?not something apart from it. Because success for me isn't having the greatest wealth but the fulfillment of my life-dreams?ninety percent of which aren't financial. May your dreams come true, Boo Sanchez

How can we make globalization something that brings prosperity to Essay - 1

How can we make globalization something that brings prosperity to everyone - Essay Example Wal-Mart had a net income of 12,731,000,000 on total revenue of $378,799,000,000 in accordance with documents filed by SEC in 2008. By opening trade with other countries, the ability to dictate what is being produced and how, and giving consumers more power, globalization thus helps to flood the market. In a situation where consumers collectively buys only environmentally friendly products, then companies would be forced to a transition to meet our demands thus making a world a cleaner place. Thus, globalization contributes to a sustainable property for all. This helps the people get above the poverty line by increasing competition that in turn helps to bring down the prices of commodities or, services. The competition for goods and services is affected by globalization e.g. the price of goods and services is brought down by increasing their supply. Thus, globalization will help benefit the world. According to the video, De Soto thinks globalization is limited in its current form. Ma jority have been left out in terms of the legal structures that give rise to it. Globalization must actually include the majority of the people on earth to be truly worth its name. it links elites from the post-soviet world and the developing world to the world economy. The legal revolution that has been taking place especially in the west is because of the market economic system. De Soto argues that if these market institutions are brought down, it could take another few centuries to develop. Hernando De Soto is one person that believes in the power of trade. His hard work helped to get the US-Peru Free Trade Agreement passed. He also always speaks out in favor of giving the poor access to wider markets. Elites can only be globalizing with the current existing globalization. Elites can only gain access in developing countries, because the costs of entry are high. Increased trade and open markets are key to eliminating poverty. Once the poor enter the legal system and have access th ey need, they will definitely prosper as per the evidence gathered by the institute of liberty and democracy (ILD). There are many overall benefits of trade. According to law of comparative advantage, the less productive countries will benefit from trade with countries that are more productive. This is because producers who are stronger can trade in order to free up resources thus enabling them to specialize. The lower prices that an economy of scale and specialization engenders are some of the things that the customers will benefit from. The video clearly illustrates that globalization process had already taken place in the late 19th century. The foreign investment and trade were fairly globalised before world war1. Labor markets were more globalised at the beginning of the twentieth century than at its end simply because of low political obstacles to international migration. The great depression and two world wars halted the process of global market integration for almost half a c entury. The process later regains speed and force. Due to faster, reliable and inexpensive transport and communication, some service providers and producers of goods in low-wage countries have been able to challenge high-cost producers in rich countries on

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Plagiarism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Plagiarism - Essay Example Plagiarism is a serious offence as it involves intellectual theft which is an offence against the original author. Plagiarism will entail not giving sufficient credit for another author’s ideas or words, claiming to be the author of some work without doing the work and claiming another author’s artistic or scholarly work as your own (Thompson, 2008). Plagiarism is wrong as it involves stealing another authors ideas which is morally not any better than stealing a car, or something else. It is also wrong because it represents information illiteracy as it shows that someone is not capable of researching and presenting one’s own ideas and thoughts, and this means that someone is not capable of handling their own information, which amounts to effective illiteracy. The Internet has made cheating or plagiarism easier than ever before as there are thousands of relevant sources in the Internet and students can simply copy and paste information and use it on their term pap ers or essays. Students may engage in plagiarism for various reasons and it can be intentional or unintentional. At times, students are overwhelmed by workload, and they may have deadlines being the first reason for the lack of understanding of the procedures for citing materials from other sources. Not understanding how to cite will make the student make mistakes while citing sources, and this amounts to unintentional plagiarism. Some students may have bad time management skills, which will result in plagiarizing their assignments or term papers because they do not have enough time to search for information and present it as their own through proper paraphrasing and citation. Deadlines and multiple assignments at the same time make other students plagiarize as they will have not enough time to research and present plagiarism free the event of trying to hand in assignments on time, students will search the Internet and copy paste information so as to beat the deadlines.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Labor Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Labor Issue - Essay Example The overall psyche of United States administrations is developed to cut off their budgets at all levels including federal, state, and local levels. One of the major actions that the administrations generally take being a quick step to cut the expenditures is the slashing of the jobs. This measure simply ends up in getting rid of the â€Å"excess fat† from the existing jobs. However, this step brings in more depression and disappointments especially among those who are the direct victims of such actions. The end results of laying offs can prove to be rather severe especially in those areas where there is no room for any dismissal, in fact, more personnel are required to fill the potentially vacant jobs. Laying offs may provide some temporary benefits to the administrations in short rum but in long run it can sabotage morale of the fired employees by and large. In United States, there are many important departments, which operate their functions under local level administrations. These departments play a significant role in the normal day-to-day operations at the local city level. Policing department and firefighting service departments are some of those departments, which perform their operations under the direct supervision of the local administration. As mentioned above, currently US government at all levels is quite reluctant to boost its economic activities and due to this fact, all the administrations taking all the necessary steps to keep the expenditure level at its minimum. The fiscal budget of Detroit City is aimed at reducing the expenditure by some $250 million with the job cut of around 2,600 employees working in the local departments (FireRescue1, 2012). As far as the firefighting department of Detroit City is concerned, the administration has aimed to cut around $160 million, which is around 13% of the budget. In the same way, the City Mayor of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Compares and contrasts the kernels of different operating systems Essay

Compares and contrasts the kernels of different operating systems - Essay Example This operating system is developed for common users. However, there are many other kinds of operating systems which serve specific operations and functions of individual users and organizations. In this scenario, Kernel is the most important element of an operating system. It allows an operating system to carry out some specific routines and tasks. The basic purpose of this research is to compare and contrast kernels of different operating system. This paper presents a comparative analysis of different operating systems and their kernels. An operating system is the most important element of a system. It runs all the software applications and tools installed on a computer (Tanenbaum, 2008). In this scenario, the kernel is the "core" or inner most important part of any OS (operating system). In fact, an operating system uses the capabilities of the kernel to offer a wide variety of callable routines that facilitate other applications to display text, access files and graphics, get input from a mouse or keyboard, and some other similar routines and tasks. As discussed above, at the present there are numerous kinds of operating systems which are developed for different environments. For instance, some of them include existing freeware and commercial OSs, and others are being developed at various universities as technology and research based projects. In the same way, these operating systems have some powerful features as well as flaws which make them suitable for diverse kinds of functions and hardware. In view of the fa ct that in the past few years, there have been massive developments and advancements in computers, as a result kernels have improved as well. In this scenario, some of the earlier operating systems are yet based on low-performance hardware of the 60s and 70s; however they do offer constancy as newer operating systems require advanced capacity of contemporary processors and still have

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Company law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Company law - Coursework Example Dissolution of a company can be voluntary or through winding up. Voluntary liquidation of a  company  occurs when the shareholders of a company come to a consensus,  pass  a resolution saying that they have agreed to  dissolve  the company. On the other hand, the court may  give  out an  order  for the winding up of a company commonly done at the behest of a creditor who has not been paid.  According to Ahmadu and Robert (425) global trends have led companies to be cautious in the way their operations  are halted. Question 1 Liquidation of any company entails the winding up of financial statements in order to  create  time  for effective dismantling of the structure of the company and  help  in  fairly  distributing the assets of the company to its creditors.  Liquidation provides the only  true  way of ending the activities and operations of a company because both the assets and  financial  structure  are evaluated  (Ahmadu and Rob ert, 471). The court order for compulsory winding up Zed Ltd provides both the company and creditors with transparency and accountability because an independent entity, the liquidator,  is given  the task of protecting the interests of the shareholders, directors, creditors, and members. Since the court has appointed a liquidator, it shows that the creditor had enough  proof  to show that Zed Ltd truly is not able to pay all its debts. In addition, the company has in the recent past had cash flow problems. Therefore, Zed Ltd is insolvent. In the case of Niger Merchants Co. v Copper (1877) 185 ChD 557n, Jessel MR proposed that pursuing a winding-up petition for a solvent company is an abuse of the court’s process (Hicks and Goo, 609). Other such cases include Mann v Goldstein, and the sentiments of Malins VC in Cadiz Waterworks Co. v Barnett (1874) LR 19 Eq 182. Zed Ltd is unable to pay its debts; hence the creditor can apply to the court for a petition for winding-up. Section 123 provides information that can be used to substantiate whether or not a company is unable to pay its debts. The companies act provides provisions that are to be followed during liquidation as asserted by OECD (246). Although Zed Ltd was not aware of the petition filed in court by one of their creditors, the law requires the company not to  accept  any deliveries of goods for which it has not prepared any payment procedures. Also, the company  is supposed  to maintain the current status of its creditors, but it should not improve or  make  worse the situation. Nonetheless, any improvement or worsening of the situation may  lead  the directors to incur personal liability or be liable for misfeasance (Debt UK, 2008). The company has to ensure that no assets fall into the hands of creditors  because  they may be available for set off. Zed Ltd was under pressure to  pay  up its outstanding bills and debts; it sold a spare machine for ?10,000 whose  i nitial  price  was ?9,000. Moreover, the company had donated a minibus to a charity in an  attempt  to promote the company’s image. However, Zed Ltd was not aware of the petition filed against it in court. The sale of the  spare  machine and the issuance of the minibus to  charity  involve  company assets. However, the minibus  was given  to charity on 15 October 2009; creditor cannot  challenge  this  move  because it had taken  place before the petition

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Influence of War and Politics on British Music Scenario Research Paper

The Influence of War and Politics on British Music Scenario - Research Paper Example The bands like Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd and other popular contemporary Rock bands have drawn inspiration from the stories of bravery and heroism of the British Army, the infantry, the air force, the navy. The epic battle of the British Infantry (the light brigade) in the deadly cold Russian winter has been a source of inspiration and a literary basis for many compositions of British bands especially Iron Maiden. Similarly global political scenario and the historic speeches and decisions of Britain’s political leaders like Sir Winston Churchill have also been the literary backbone of compositions. These factors have influenced and given rise to a new sub-genre of existential rock music and influenced popular genres of music like NWOBHM, psychedelic rock, alternate rock etc to step out of the comfort zone of literary contexts and include burning issues, current affairs and write songs on the prevailing national circumstances etc. The report will be discussing the impact of the war scenario of the first half of the 20th century (mainly the first two world wars and the cold war) in the compositions of British Rock and Heavy Metal band Iron Maiden. Brief explanation of New Wave of British Heavy Metal, its origins, and development in the UK: The New Wave of British Heavy Metal was a heavy metal uprising that originated in the 1970’s and got global attention in the 1980’s with most number of compositions reaching the top in the international music ranking charts. It was spearheaded by bands like Saxon, Motor Head, Diamond Head, Iron Maiden etc. This genre came into being due to the gradual demise of popular and influential heavy metal bands like Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath etc. the lighter and casual elements of the genre of heavy metal were omitted and the sound was re-upholstered to give it a more tough appearance and gigantic stature in terms of heavy usage of guitars and the synthes is of keyboard, guitars and drums. Examination of significant compositions Two Minutes to midnight: The song two minutes to midnight written and performed by Iron Maiden in several international and country tours over the decades is influenced by the concept of the Doom’s Day. It was a song that has heavy influences of the prevailing Cold War during the eighties after the dismantling of the Axis Powers and peace treaty signed by leading allies in both opposing camps that caused the two greatest wars in the history of mankind. The song is based on the cold war and the bitterness in international relations looming large at the wake of a new future after the end of the world wars. It talks about the gradually advancing dooms day. The dooms day would be nothing but a nuclear holocaust due to nuclear capabilities of nuclear powers spiralling out of control. The song says, â€Å"The golden goose is on the loose† which hints at the lurking threat of a nuclear catastrophe due to an unannounced nuclear strike by either party. This was the major fear in the hearts

Library research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Library research - Essay Example Jimenez, E., Tejeda, A., Blanco, J. and Martinez, E. â€Å"Application of lean production with VSM to the Rioja wine sector.† International Journal of Production Research 50.7 (2012): 1890-1904. Print. The article reports on a study on the use of lean production in wine sector in La Rioja. Its subject, lean production is a theory that aims at achieving economic utilization of resources towards optimum production levels, is a topic in operations management. The authors focus on lean production in a different sector from the theory’s traditional industry of application and investigate potential use of the lean production theory for economic utility of resources in the La Rioja’s wine sector towards optimum benefits. Operations management however defines management of processes in production and transportation of goods and services to users and this incorporates lean production concepts at the management’s production stage. The authors identify significance o f lean production in attaining competitiveness and efficiency and the fact that lean production has not been popular in many sectors. The theory establishes and eliminates all activities and processes in a production that do not benefit the process. Using Main Stream Mapping, the authors demonstrates applicability of lean production in La Rioja’s wine sector with the objective of making inference from the results. Lean production was developed in Japan’s motor vehicle industry but its advantages such as lower change periods, better working environments, quality workforce and accurate improvement initiatives has extended its popularity and application in other industries. Results show â€Å"reduction in raw materials† that â€Å"clarifying and quality test process† aids as well as lower inventory level for the organizations in the region’s wine sector. A number of benefits to the sector are attributed to the lean production strategy and examples inc lude lower overall production lead-time that can reduce by up to 60 percent, lower cost of raw materials from reduced volume, and this decrease can be as much as 13 percent of an organization’s expenditure on raw materials. The production approach also reduces losses and depreciation in materials’ value over the production process and facilitates communication between involved parties and departments in a production process. Improved efficiency in space and equipment utilization and better allocation of human resources across the production process are other identified benefits from the study. The results are valid because of their simulation in the target population with positive outcomes (Jimenez, Perez, Blanco and Martinez 1890- 1902). The article demonstrates the role of operations management, through lean production, in organization’s production efficiency and profitability. It identifies efficiency through improvements in production activities and processe s such as economical utility of time, space and human resource and improved quality that is also a result of the efficiency. This corresponds to the overall management objective, considering operations management as a branch of management, of reducing overall costs and improving overall revenues. The article therefore explains the role of oper

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

History of Cadbury Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History of Cadbury - Essay Example r by the name of â€Å"Cadbury Brothers of Birmingham† in 1847 and started operating an office in London; following the partnership in 1854, they received Royal Warrant of manufacturers of chocolate and cocoa to Queen Victoria. Before 1850s chocolate was a luxury food item, enjoyed only by the elite society of Birmingham but in the 1850s due to a decline in the import taxes, the prices reduced and everybody could afford chocolate. In 1861, John’s partnership with his brother Benjamin was dissolved by mutual agreement and Cadbury was handed over to John’s sons George and Richard Cadbury because of the poor health of their father. Richard took over the marketing and sales side of Cadbury, George managed the manufacturing of Cadbury chocolate and in 1866, they launched â€Å"Cocoa Essence† (all natural products without any starchy ingredient) as George acquired a revolutionary cocoa press. George and Richard decided in 1878 to expand their business and for that reason, they acquired the Bournbrook Estate, situated in the south of outskirts of Birmingham. This estate was named Bournville and later they opened the Bournville factory. In 1905, Cadbury launched its first milk chocolate with higher milk content than other chocolates and became the best selling product in the year 1913. In 1918, Cadbury’s trade increased and it spread globally when Cadbury launched its first factory at Hobart Tasmania (BBC, 1). In 1919, Cadbury was merged with JS Fry & Sons to compete against Rowntree (brand owned by Nestle). On 22 September 1955, Cadbury advertised itself on TV for the first time. In 1969, Cadbury was again merged with beverages company Schweppes and formed Cadbury Schweppes. Cadbury Schweppes then acquired other companies but in US, the manufacturing of Cadbury’s confectionary products was licensed to The Hershey Company. In 2009, Kraft foods made a bid of $ 16.2 billion to takeover Cadbury but according to Cadbury, the bid was undervalued. Later in 2010, there

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Organizational Behavior Practiced at OSIL Essay Example for Free

The Organizational Behavior Practiced at OSIL Essay Organizational behavior is an essential tool in any organization’s success. The roles to which its benefits are experienced are taken as a whole, with the organization members and the organization itself. It creates a better relationship inside the organization which enables the organization to direct its focus and goal in achieving success. Many companies have carefully scrutinized the objectives of organizational behavior, but some organizations does it so effectively that their achievement is more than the company’s growth but also encompass a holistic experience for its members. Introduction A company’s success can be defined by many factors. We can attributed the executive branch or the managerial skills of the leaders, the technical skills of the workers, the own contributions of the hundreds of workers in the company, and even the role to which the consumers plays their role in the process. But no matter how each entity aims to aspire for a success defined by any organization, external factors can easily disintegrate the organization given if the foundation of its existence is not strong. Organizational Behavior has been a concept under study regarding how people and groups of individuals works and act inside an organization. In context of which, the approach is entailed with a system that aims to understand the relationship of the people inside the organization, the relationships between them, their collective effort, the whole organization itself and the organization being an economic and social entity. Knowing how much organizational behavior affects an organization is a necessity; not only because of its great benefits, but also because of the understanding it gives in realizing the full potentials of the organization. When we talk about having a strong foundation in an organization, we do not only cite the importance of a clear and attainable objectives and goals. The organization needs to achieve not just its organizational objectives, but also consider the human and social objectives that go with it. Not only does it creates self-awareness for the organization, but also determines the extent to which the organization is determined and committed to achieve a holistic experience working in a wholesome relationship. In the study of the application of organizational objectives in different organizations we will mention later, we understand that part of the organization’s success or even failure is affected by the knowledge and lack of, respectively, organizational behavior concepts. This is because the study of organizational behavior encompasses wide and varied topics such as human behavior, change, leadership, teams and others. (Knoster, 2000) In this particular study, we will review the concepts under the study of organizational behavior. Following which will be determining the organizational behavior main concepts that has been used and tested by the different organizations used for this study. We will evaluate not only the success stories, but also show the side of failure in some cases in which we will examine the reason why such failure occurred. This is very important as we provide both viewpoints in the organization’s use of the organizational behavioral concepts. The Concept of Organizational Behavior: Before we begin discussing the focal point of this paper, we shall discuss the important elements and models of organizational behavior that some organizations adopt or use. Basically, the foundation of any organization relies on its solid attribution and commitment towards its philosophies, values, visions and goals. These elements are a major factor to which the organization manages, directs and operates. All these elements in turn is the motivational factor behind what is called the organizational culture which is composed of the formal and informal organization, and the social environment to which the organization thrives in. This mentioned organizational culture will eventually determine the extent of leadership needed, communication process and group dynamics which are very important main concepts in determining organizational behavior. These components are what workers in particular see as their degree of motivation in the quality of work life in the particular organization. When all the elements are in place and well executed, the organization and its employees experience performance, and individual satisfaction, and personal growth and development. This in turn will gear the organization to its operation process and ensures that internally, the organization has its objectives set properly. (Clark, 1998) Over the years, there are different models of organizational behavior that has laid the framework for the operations of many organizations. There are four major models of organizations, namely; autocratic, custodial, supportive and collegial. The first model, autocratic has its basis and focus on the managerial orientation of authority. In studies regarding this type of model, employees tend to become obedient and dependent on their employers, but then the level to which the employees meet their needs is subsistence and the result where found out to be minimal. (Clark, 1998) The second model, custodial has its focus on the organizations’ economic resources and the managerial orientation included in handling the financial resources of the organization. (Clark, 1998) This in turn yields a much secured attitude of the employees towards the organizations because of the benefits and dependence on the organization. The employee enjoys the security he experiences in the organization and in turn this model yields an effective passive cooperation towards the organization. The third model, supportive, entails the leadership and the managerial orientation of support. (Clark, 1998) The employees of the organization are then oriented towards performing great on their jobs and participation in the process. The goal of the employee is to meet the status and recognition form the organization which results to a more driven performance of the employees. The last model is the collegial model in which there exists a partnership and managerial orientation of teamwork. (Clark, 1998)Responsible behavior and self-discipline is expected of the employee and the employee must accomplished self-actualization in order to meet the needs given. This model yields a fairly moderate enthusiastic individual of the organization. We must note however that in a realistic context, the application of these models are not done individually alone. The different models are adapted in accordance to what the organization needs and aims to achieve given their objectives and goals. Organizations do not necessarily adopt an individual and particular model; sometimes organizations even incorporate the different models’ identity to be able to apply it to their organization. Success of an Organization: Douglas McGregor during the 1960’s made a discovery in human behavior in which he relates that most of the management techniques involved in an organization during the 60’s involves monitoring the work of the employees to ensure that they are efficiently operating in the working environment. In his theory, he relates that there is one way to view people. Theory Y, proposed by McGregor, illustrated that people inherently enjoy work and want a good and stable job. He contradicts the manner by which employees are monitored, a process in which organizations during the 1960’s operates, and geared towards encouraging organizations to realize the potentials of their employees in areas such as problem-solving, innovating, finding new opportunities and developing new approaches. (Frazee, 2004) Pioneers in understanding organizational behavior realize the complexity of human behavior, but states as a matter of fact that an individual, an employee for that matter, is also responsible for the improvement of the whole organization, that even with the difference between the employees and the organization as an entity, the relationship between them defines both entity’s growth and development. Relative to the individual process of learning an employee experiences in the workplace, organizational learning also occurs. Organizational behavior shapes patterns by which an individual is enabled to understand the overall perspective within the organization more than what the individual could on his or her own. (Frazee, 2004) In this paper, we note that one company is able to apply the concepts of organizational behavior in its policies and operations. We name Wal-Mart as our example and will use the analysis on how it adopts organizational behavior concepts into its relationship and management of its employees. In past studies regarding organizational behavior, organizations that express and treats its employees as company assets but withholds its time and money towards its employees clearly puts a face on their corporate value statement. In the same manner at which even if performance is rewarded but promotions of employees are relatively not shown, employees then have reserved feelings over the organization and try to get ahead of them. These forms of organizational operations are determined as detriment to an organization and are unable to reach its potential as an entity in the economic and social realm of society. In affect, the stability of an organization’s growth will very much be impeded by the weak relationship organizations has towards their employees. The Success and Shortcomings of OSIL: An organization’s culture determines a lot in its organizational behavior. The culture in an organization is composed of beliefs, different values and assumptions that that organizations tries to shape its employees behavior. The individual’s behavior are shaped and motivated in lieu with the culture the organization possess and operates at. An organizational culture can either be strong or weak. Strong in the sense that it influence and motivates the individual and his or her behavior and weak if it has a relatively low or no impact on the behavior of an employee. (Frazee, 2004) The human resource practices of OSIL is said to have set a more competitive format in the apparel industry. In recent years, there is an issue on the emergence of more companies offering bad compensations for its employees. Many critics of this issue have stated that employers had changed their operations into long-standing practices with regards to the employment of their employees and the way in which their wages are set. There is the existing fear that fewer jobs offer a traditional long-term employment relationship and continuously have low-skilled job offered and little opportunity in terms of training and wage increase. Citing Hughes 1999 study, jobs in the clothing industry is no longer a full time job, but rather characterized with part-time job with irregular hours, low pay and limited options for training and promotion. This transition emerged the same time the industry has undergone dramatic product restructuring as OSIL and other mass merchandisers have entered the industry. The expansion efforts of OSIL had a dramatic effect on the labor market. OSIL significantly has made the shift consistent with changing the United States’ level of employment and wages after its successful entry in the industry. It can be said that although there is the commitment of OSIL to employ and provide more job opportunities to many, the promotion and ability to provide training opportunities was very limited due to factors affecting its expansion plans. But somehow, in totality, it has no significant negative impact on OSIL being a successful organization. OSIL hitherto had expressed its desire to devise a new communication plan in order for the company to address several issues in recent years. OSIL is now working on integrating a multi-tiered communication plan into the business. In a statement of Sue Oliver, citing the article of Millerwood Communications, the senior vice president of the OSIL Stores Division envisioned this plan to reduce the turnover and to comply with the increasing and more complex demands and trends of the consumers. (Miller, 2007) The new communication plan they are also planning is to be able to react to the negative publicity they have been receiving the past years. In the formatted communication plan, OSIL intends to hire more than 300 human resource managers to work for them, and ensure the stability and efficient hiring, training and performance practices to be applied. The new communication plan also aims to increase the morale of their employees by communicating business objectives and opportunities for growth. The objective to communicate among its employees and consumers is implemented together with a strengthened human resource practice that will ensure that employees are benefitting the growth. The communication plans also includes updating its websites to address controversial topics, and to give senior management the responsibility to address the issues immediately as it arises. (Miller, 2007) Conclusion: OSIL is an apt example to explain the dynamics to which organizational behavior can be very useful in determining the success of a company. in the study, we analyze that organizational behavior encompass the relationship to which employees play a vital role in determining the success of an organization and how individual realization of potentials is a great asset to an organization. We examine the positive and negative outcome of the adoption of organizational concepts that enabled OSIL to become relatively successful in the industry. As mentioned, the organizational culture of OSIL is significantly strong in context that its founder has a clear intention to include its employees with its success. OSIL was accused of paying low wage to workers, having low training opportunities and promotion options for its employees. The lack of a strong human resource practices has led to several changes the company aimed its communication plan. The proposed communication plan objectively clarifies OSIL’s position with its employees and organization. The company is also suing technology, like its websites to address these matters immediately. OSIL as a developing and expanding company is applying several main concepts of organizational behavior in its operations. We can only hope that effectively and efficiently it can maintain its commitment and passion not only towards the business, but most especially with its employees. Why are people leaving from one company to another? A wide variety of reasons why are people leaving their jobs to find new companies includes: expectations were not satisfactorily fulfilled, unsuitable for the role, do not fit with the company’s culture, insufficient opportunities for growth and development, inadequate acknowledgment and admiration, problems with a manager or supervisor, not satisfied with the compensation, stress, lack of work and life balance, and lack of confidence in the company and leadership (Meyers). According to Susan Heathfield (Heathfield, 2007), most employees are leaving their work for reasons of searching new opportunities with other companies. Three top reasons were identified by Heathfield: fifty three percent of employees look for better rewards and benefits, thirty five percent were discontented with prospects of career growth and development, and thirty two percent were ready for a new experience and new environment. The motivating factors that can enhance the continuous stay of employees were examined by Bob Losyk on his article, here are the different factors that he stated: dignity and respect, involvement and participation, pay above the industry average, showcase superior workers, and by showing support to employees (Losyk). Giving dignity and respect is one of the most important key elements in satisfying the employees, harsh words, shouting, insults, and abuse of power will only result to demoralization, low morale, increase possibilities of absenteeism, and in turn resignation. Losyk added that employers should be treated with high respect, worth and goodness, let them relax, be independent and empowered. Do not crash on people who make mistakes instead make it more constructive and let them learn from it. Involvement and participation is also a significant factor in dealing with employees’ motivation to stay in the company, by listening to their suggestions, aspirations, and ideas can make them more involved and active much as with belongingness and partnership. Paying above the industry average will surely and literally compensate the best employee thus giving and making more money for you. Great employees should be compensated for what they gave back to the company and it should not be as simple as paying back but to reward and constantly recognize their efforts. For sure, companies who have the best employees will have more satisfied clients because of the excellent services they receive and in return a greater chance of repeat business will likely to come. Another tip from Losyk is to highlight and draw attention to outstanding employees by giving awards, certificates, extra remuneration, dinners as well as posting their photos on bulletin boards or company newsletters. To share and show support, to listen and know their personal and family problems can be a key factor for lasting relationship with employees. It will create a positive and motivating atmosphere resulting to a more productive and high-quality employees (Losyk). Human Resource Retaining Strategies: The Training Delivery / Communication Options The training delivery to be used is participative which simulates real scenarios (Schein, 1987). This will be a workshop type of training. Experiential learning should be employed in the training components of the human resources planning program aimed at maintaining work effectiveness, retaining employees and create organizational success where employee development is critical. The communication option to be used in the delivery of training should be simple yet effective. This type of training program will fit the workforce of the Belfarm Hotel to refine their training skills. Also, this training program will provide comprehensive information and techniques to develop critical competencies. Training activities will focus on the design and approach to facilitate effective delivery of functions and responsibilities. The training materials to be used should assist trainers in enhancing their training presentations with materials that are professionally designed and written. Group facilitation skills of the trainers should be maximized to effect intervention strategies needed to maintain effective group relationships and direct groups towards productive goals. Aside from the evaluation of the Human Resources Directors from available data and observations, a Training Needs Assessment and Evaluation conducted prior to the actual training proper help trainers understand and use selected needs assessment and evaluation tools as part of the design and delivery of training. Human Resource Issues and Challenges to Consider Including Suggested Solutions The challenge to have a trained and skilled workforce is the ultimate competitive advantage for any organization (Cowling Mailer, 1998). The rapidly expanding base of new information and technologies affects every one of us, from factory floor to business office. No matter how capable or successful an organization is, if staff training and continuing education is overlooked, there will be problems in the organization. The challenge is to get the best value for the training dollars spent by choosing training that suits the needs of the company and least impacts the bottom line (Storey Sisson, 1993). In order to meet the challenge, comprehensive approach to employee development can be adopted. Set goals and reach them, identifying the needs, developing the right intervention, and delivering a practical, results-oriented solution. Interactive training is designed for the adult learner, requiring involvement in the learning process. Handle specialized workplace challenges with customized group training. Handle challenges specific to the organization. A good approach is to maximize training dollars spent by tailoring content to the organization’s explicit situation to produce the results needed. The NLC should source top-notch trainers who can combine their experiences with the latest in learning techniques for interactive sessions that emphasize skill development and application (RBA Training, 2006).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Unitary And Pluralistic Frames Of Reference Management Essay

Unitary And Pluralistic Frames Of Reference Management Essay Employee relationship is very important issue in the business world. Every manager must maintain a relationship with his employee to achieve the business goal. To maintain firm reputation and increase productivity employer maintain good employee relationship. A manager follows many approach or theory to maintain good relationship among the employees LO1: Understand the context of employee relations against a changing background Explain the unitary and pluralistic frames of reference (P1) Unitary frames Unitary frames which start from the values and assumption said that workplace conflict is not expected behave or relation between the manager and employee. A conflict starts from twos behaved or occurrence which felt effect on the other employee to commit further problem. Pluralistic frames In this frames the organization deviates firm into powerful and different sub-group. Each group has its own lawful loyalty and respect to their object and leader. The two main sub-groups in the Pluralist view are the management and trade unions. subscribing to different values and objectives. In the much organization pluralism represent as more suitable and perfect. This is also better to describe employment relationships. (Abbott, k. 2006) Evaluate how the changes in trade unionism in the 20th century have affected employee relations within the organization (P2) Very first of the 20th century the trade union becomes very powerful.in1901 the court decided that the trade union could be sued for damages if they held a strike this is mainly for the taff vale case. From 1923-1929 Britain face the conservative government. During that time general stick was held by the trade union. During the 1920s old industries like coal mining were declining. So in 1921 employers cut wages. In 1926 they proposed to cut wages and increase working hours. The miners leader A.J. Cooke said Not a penny off the pay, not a minute on the day. The miners went on strike and appealed to the other unions to help them. The result was a general strike from midnight on 3 May 1926. In that stick some general worker died. For which we observed May Day. Actually after that the trade union comes to form. These changes affected much on the employee relation. In the very first of trade union reform the relationship between the employer and employee was not good. But when the trade union come to the real form the employee relationship developed. (Nationalarchives, 2012) Explain the role of 4 main players in employee relations of an organization (P3) Some key employee play important role in the management of employee relation. Suppose the HR manager. Employee trainee, financial manager, CEO plays some key role in the employee relation. Role of HR manager in employee relation: human resource manager play some key role to manage the employee relation. For example a HR manager designs the job, making the work place planning etc. all of the planning he try to increase the candor, respect, responsibility by which the employee relation develop. Role of employee trainee in employee relation: by provide the proper training employee trainee ensure the proper employee relation. Role of financials manager: financial manager play a good role in controlling the employee relation. By providing proper knowledge about the need of relationship in finance he try to develop the employee relationship. CEO and employee relation: It is considered as a skill-set or a philosophy not as a management function. ECO considers it as a skill competences to achieve high performance. For the above reasons employer are tried to develop the employee relation. (Manaementstudyguide,2012) Why do you think the field of Industrial Relations has been replaced with the name Employee Relations over the years? Give examples to support your answer (M1) I think the term industrial relation replace by the term employee relationship. There are many reason for which the industrial relation replaced by the employee relation. The reasons are For the reforming of trade union and labor union come to form. In the 20th century the employee is consider as the core employee. The value of industrial relation cant maintain the better relationship. In the 20th century the relationship among the employee becomes essential. Industrial relation replaced by the employee relation because RE concept is much helpful to the firm Employee relation is easier to understand for the general employee. LO2: Understand the nature of industrial conflict and its resolution Explain the procedures an organization should follow when dealing with different conflict situations. There are some processes to dealing with the different conflict situation. Among them the causes identification, identify the way of solve and implication of that ways is main. This are describe below Identify the conflict causes: there are many causes for which a conflict arises in the organization some of them are Training management inefficiency Unfair treatment with the employee Poor communication system Risky working environment Unsolved problem of past Leader ship problem Harassment in organization etc Identify the way of solve conflict: this step sometime called managerial action to solve conflict. There are many types of action by which confect can remove from the organization. To solve the conflict negotiation is must be needed. Some ways to solve the conflict are Regularly review the job descriptions Developing the open opinion option Make the working place safety for the employee Listen to the employee problem By taking the employee recommendations Removing the harassment from the organization Creation proper opportunity for the employee Ways to implement the solving procedures: These solving procedures can implement in the organization by the following ways Make an conversation among the HR manager, manager and employee repetitive Take advise from the employee representative and overall employee line keep a record of relevant events: include dates and times, plus a description of what happened keep copies of anything relevant, letters, memos, emails, notes of meetings make a formal complaint Explain the key features of employee relations in a real life conflict situation of an of ford motor Employee relation means the body of concern to maintain the employee-employment relationship. It is very important for satisfactory productivity, employee motivation and business goal .it also necessary to solve and prevent different problem which arise from working place. Ford motor manages the employee relationship based on the Pluralist approach of employee relation (divided firm into many groups an each group has a unique identity) the employee relation depends on some feature those are given below: How the works are organize Acquisition skills and development of employee Compensation and pay processes and structures Security arrangements on employment and staffing Labor management issues By the above feature on employee relationship are maintaining by the ford motor to maintain the employee relation. Evaluate the effectiveness of procedures used in a conflict situation from real life organization Conflict in workplace means the lack of understanding between the employer and employee. For conflict the relationship among the employer and employee and employee to employee can destroy. Conflict in the organization is very harmful for the organization. It reduce employee relationship, decreases the productivity of firm, And create personal conflict. If there are any types of confliction the firm then the efficiency of employee reduce because conflict is one type of mental problem. Conflict create problem to achieve the goals of the organization. So it is very necessary to solve the conflict. In the real life there are many types of solving ways to solve the conflict from the organization. By the following procedure or using the following tool ford motor solve their organizational conflict which arises in the firm by some certain problem. Regularly review the job descriptions Developing the open opinion option Make the working place safety for the employee Listen to the employee problem By taking the employee recommendations Removing the harassment from the organization Creation proper opportunity for the employee Present findings from the reasons for conflict between British Airways Cabin Crew staff and management. How was the conflict solved and through which procedures? (M3). British airways are a famous airways industry in the world. This is one of the leading companies in the air way industry. But recently the3re was a problem between the cabin crew and management. This conflict arises from the facilities of employee issue. The crew said that they cannot get enough facilities like other company of this industry. But some specialist think there are some other problems behind it they this conflict arises from the following aspect Training management inefficiency Unfair treatment with the employee Poor communication system Risky working environment Unsolved problem of past Leader ship problem Harassment in organization etc However the British airline properly solved this conflict soon by appropriate negotiation with the cabin crews. LO3: Understand collective bargaining and negotiation processes Explain the role of negotiation in collective bargaining (P7) Collective bargaining is a process of negotiation between the employers and employee union. This negation is based on the term and condition of the work mainly the wages, Workplace safety and working time. Negation plays some important role in the collective bargaining such as negotiation develops a sense of self respect and responsibility between the employer and union negation increase the productivity of the worker by the negation the freedom of employer decrease Effective collective bargaining machinery strengthens the trade unions movement It becomes easier for the management to resolve issues at the bargaining level rather than taking up complaints of individual workers. It is important for settling and preventing industrial disputes. A current conflict situation of any public or private organization in UK and give clear conclusions on the effectiveness of negotiation process between two parties (D1) There is conflict between the acas organization and its worker. For this conflict the employee stick against work. This conflict mainly occurs for some reasons the fist reason is dissatisfaction of employee. Other are Unfair treatment to employee Lack of equal opportunity Poor work opportunity Poor communication Increasing work load etc. But this problem solved soon by the grate roles of effective negotiation. For the negotiation the management listens about the employee dissatisfaction causes. Take the recommendation to solve the problem Then the negotiation manage to a conversation among the manager, hr manager and employee representative. In this conversation the manager take the recommendation of the employee representative to solve the problem. After knowing the causes of conflict the management took the proper stapes to solve the problem and at last they can able to solve it. A balance situation creates in the Acas organization only for the proper negotiation. ( Acas , 2012) Evaluate the impact of negotiation strategy of London Transport Association for conflict with Tube workers in recent times. (P8) There are two types of negotiation positive and negative. Both types of negotiation impact much on the London Transport agency. The success and failure of the London transport agency mainly depend on the impact of the negotiation. Recently there is a conflict between the tube worker and London transport agency. This conflict mainly based on the wages and safety work place. In this situation negotiation play an important rule to solve the problem. But the negotiation plays an important rule here. By the proper negotiation between the workers and management they come to a point where both parties interest maintained. LO4: Understand the concept of employee participation and involvement Evaluate the influence of the EU policies and directives on industrial democracy of workers within the UK (P9) There are many kinds of policies in the European Union to controls the business and organizational internal function. Such as trade policy, recruiting policy, environment maintain policy, human resource management policy, employee training policy, safety and healthy workplace policy and employee relationship maintain policy. All of this policies influence the industrial democracy of workers. Suppose the anti harassment policy make a women move freely in the workplace. They can join any workplace without mental problem like harassment problem. Trade policy is another derivatives of UN which indicate the degree of freedom af an organization. By this policy an organization involve in the international business. Safety and healthy workplace is n important policy of UN by which an industrial freedom and measured. If the workplace is safe for the employee the employee get more democratic right. Taking help from the answer to Question 4.1 produce a report for LCC and recommend how these EU policies can benefit the organization for long term. (D2) A report to LCC Introduction: EU policies influence the industrial democracy of workers. These policies must be beneficial for the firm and country. There are many kinds policies. Suppose the anti harassment policy make a women move freely in the workplace. They can join any workplace without mental problem like harassment problem. About the report: This report is about the policies of EU and its lacking About the EU policies: There are many kinds of policies in the European Union to controls the business and organizational internal function. Such as trade policy, recruiting policy, environment maintain policy, human resource management policy, employee training policy, safety and healthy workplace policy and employee relationship maintain policy Importance: Influence the industrial democracy of workers. Trade policy indicates the degree of freedom of an organization. By this policy an organization involve in the international business. Safety and healthy workplace Lacking: The policies make negative impact of firm. And create hinder on the way of business Recommendation: EU policies must be business oriented These policies must be beneficial for the organization The trade policy of EU must be helpful for the general people of the Europe. The policies must be ensure the safety of the employee It is very needed to create a safety and healthy workplace for the workers. This must be democratic for the employer. Compare 3 methods used to gain employee participation and involvement in the decision making process in organisations There are many process of employee involvement and participation among them delegation, communication, training and incentive, giving authority are more important. Delegation: this in process the supervisor gives responsibility to the subordinate to do any work with proper authority. This methods is more effective than others Giving authority method: Everyone likes power or be a member of authority. Giving power employee involvement can increase. This more effective than other methods Training: by training the employee evolvement can increase. This is a manual process of organization to increase the employee involvement. (emeraldinsight,2012) Assess the impact of human resource management on employee relations (P11). Human resource management is an important part of an organization. It is May called an integral part of employee relation. Without proper human resources management proper employee relation is not possible. Employee relation and organizational behavior both depend on the management of the people of the firm. Human resource management always focuses on the employee and organizational development. Major functions of human source management recruitment, training and development, workplace planning, performance management, quality assurance and job design etc. All of these functions impact much on the employee relation this impact are given below Training, development and employee relation: Employee training and development influence much on the employee relation. To maintain a good relationship among the subordinate is an important topic of employee training. So through the training the relation among the employee increases. Workplace planning and employee relation: employee relationship depends much on the workplace planning. By the work place planning same type of employee are engage in a particular job. So an understanding among them creates soon. Performance management and employee relation: by performance management the relationship among the employee can develop. When a management be aware about the performance then they force the employee to do the work perfectly and for this reason the employee want the support from the subordinate. And thus the relationship may develop. Job design and employee relationship: a job is design for the better performance of the employee. Job design increase the candor, respect, integrity, mutual understands which develop the employee relation. Stone, R. (1995) The impact of any 3 HR practices in improving employee relations in ford motor The impact of HR practice In employee relation of the ford motor are given below job design of ford motor and employee relation: when ford motor design a job for some particular employee the management of ford motor think about the competence of the employee and they also include some procedure through which the relationship among the employee can increase. Employee training of ford motor and employee relation: ford motor always gives the appropriate training to the new employee. They provide train about the work, about the employees responsibility about the organization and how to manage the industrial relation or employee relation. For this reason the relationship among the employee developed soon. Workplace planning of ford motor and employee relation: as ford motor is a word rewound organization it is very careful about the work place planning. Through the workplace planning this company insures the employee relation inside and outside of the organization Conclusion: At last it can be said that employee relationship is very important for the organization. By managing this relation organization can easily achieve its goals. To maintain this relation an organization must understand about the human resource management, employee engagement, employee performance management etc.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Constructing A Multi Storey Commercial Building Construction Essay

Constructing A Multi Storey Commercial Building Construction Essay Involved clearing, grubbing (removal and disposal of surface vegetation, roots, stumps and underground part of structures to a depth of at least 0.50m below ground level) and stripping (removal of topsoil to an average depth of at least 100mm below ground level), JKR 1988-1. All the combustible material removed from the designated area is being disposed by burning however if burning is not permitted, it must be disposed in a safe and tidy manner at solid waste dump outside the site, JKR, 1998-1. 1.2 Earthwork Involved excavation of loosening and removing earth and rock from its original position from a cut and transporting it to a fill or a waste deposit (Clarkson ad Hicks, 1981). It must be carried out immediately after the top soil has been removed. Earthwork is important for the construction of drainage, roadway and building foundation. Mass haul diagram is used to ensure the volume of cut and fill are efficient (reduce wastage and import from other place). 1.3 Staking Staking is being carried out by surveying. Markers are being driven into the ground as markers for the building and perimeter fencing. Precise staking is important plot the view perimeter of a building. 1.4 Perimeter Fencing To prevent intruders, public and animals to create disruptions to the project. 1.5 Dewatering Applications of vertical drain, piezometer or surcharge are useful for the dewatering process. This is to ensure the pore water pressure in the soil is in a safety range hence it does not affect the building. 1.6 Temporary Buildings Include site office (meeting and discussion), toilet, store (store building materials), canteen, worker s quarters, etc. 1.7 Temporary Access Road It must be strong, wide and not too steep for heavy vehicles and it should allow to take-over space. Warning signboard and guard house should be equipped to ensure the safety of the site (prevent unauthorised intruder). 2.0 SUB-STRUCTURES Sub-structures are the elements of a building that are located beneath the ground level such as: 1) Piling and foundation 2) Basement/Underground floor 3) Column stumps 4) Ground beam 5) Hardcore and damp-proof materials 2.1 Piling and Foundation To support the structure above it. A system of piles, pile caps, and straps (if required) that transfers the structural load to the bearing stratum into which the piles are driven. Uploaded with Piling 2.2 Basement/Underground Floor Sometimes, parking lots, merchandise outlets, food-court, etc are located at basement or underground. Proper supervising and soil investigation needed to ensure safety. 2.3 Column Stumps Colums stumps needed for the column to be build especially for high-rise building. Uploaded with Workers are constructing column stumps 2.4 Ground Beam Ground beams are designed to support brick/blockwork or to form permanent shutter to the edge of in-situ concrete floor-slab. Loading requirements can be achieved by varying the reinforcement. Ground beams are rectangular or square in shape. However, notches / half end plates / sloped faces can be supplied to order. Uploaded with Ground beams being constructed 2.5 Hardcore and Damp-Proof Materials A protective measure applied to building foundation walls to prevent moisture from passing through the walls into interior spaces. Moisture if in contact with the reinforced concrete, the reinforcement will rust and the strength of the reinforce concrete will be greatly reduced. 3.0 SUPER-STRUCTURES Super-structures are the elements located above the damp-proof material (ground level) such as: 1) Structural frame served as a frame for the construction of the upper floors 2) Upper floors for high-rise building. 3) Wall as a partition. 4) Roof 5) Doors and windows 6) Finishing 7) Utilities providing basic conveniences such as water, power supply, septic tank, telephone, fire detector, sprinkler, elevator, security alarm, etc. 4.0 EXTERNAL WORKS It consists of all the works outside the building such as: 1) Roads 2) Vehicle parking 3) Gutter 4) Sewer 5) Fence 6) Landscaping 5.0 UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAW There are many elements in the Uniform Building By-Law in Malaysia such as: 1) Preliminary 2) Submission of plans for approval includes supervision of work, scale of plans, plans of alterations, materials not to be deposited in a street without permission, etc. 3) Space, light and ventilation includes open spaces to be provided, access from a street, splayed corner, width of footwear, mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning, height of rooms in residential buildings, shophouses and school, etc. 4) Temporary works in connection with building operations includes commencement of building operation, responsibility of person granted temporary permits, vehicular access to site, etc. 5) Structural requirements includes building materials, general requirements of loading, weight of partitions, mechanical stacking, roof coverings, foundations, brick footings, etc. 6) Constructional requirements includes drainage of subsoil, protection against soil erosion, lift, swimming pools, depth of water, etc. 7) Fire requirements includes rules of measurement, protected shafts, ventilation to lift shafts, smoke detectors for lift lobbies, etc. 8) Fire alarms, fire detection, fire extinguishment and fire fighting access. 9) Miscellaneous building exempted, failure to buildings, etc. 6.0 SITE INVESTIGATION Site investigation is very important to a project to: 1) decide whether the site is generally suitable (whether it is situated at suitable location) 2) get specific information for complete design, safety and economy (determine soil properties) 3) prepare for construction alternatives (special equipments for dewatering and etc.) 7.0 PHASES OF INVESTIGATION The followings are the phases of investigation: 1) Desktop study initial study of available data 2) Site investigation get useful data from the site 3) Soil investigation determine soil properties 4) Analysis of data Sketch of Bad Site Layout Uploaded with BAD SITE LAYOUT Based on the attached bad site layout, it is considered as bad due to the following reasons: 1) Material storage situated opposite of the road which is inconvenient for the construction work to be carried out. It will cause traffic issue while transporting the materials to the construction site. 2) Site office is far away from the construction site. 3) Worker s quarters are near to the construction site but the canteen is far away from the worker s quarters. This cause inconveniences for the workers during lunch time hour. 4) Toilet is far from the worker s quarters. 5) Parking lots are not located near to the construction site. 6) No pedestrian bridge between the construction site and the parking lots. This will cause a big problem to the traffic especially during peak hours. 7) The material storage, site office, canteen, toilet as well as parking lots should be situated at the empty space indicate in the site layout to minimise the problems discussed above.

Siddhartha :: Hesse Siddhartha Essays

Siddhartha    Siddhartha is extremely proud of his ability to think, fast, and wait.   These qualities also allow him to get a job with Kamaswami as a merchant. These are basically Siddhartha's life achievements.   Being able to do these things shows he is intelligent and more than able to do most tasks.   This is probably why he flaunts it, and is proud of these abilities so much.   In this essay I will discuss each of these abilities individually, and show how they apply to his life, what they do to teach him, or show him, and also show how they help him or hinder him in various situations.      Ã‚  Ã‚   The ability to think obviously is something to be proud of.   When a man can think on any topic, give feedback, and reflect on it, they are considered very valuable in any situation or job.   When Kamaswami first meets Siddhartha, he is instantly impressed with his ability to read and write.   We see how this ability to think can gain a man instant respect.   All Siddhartha's life he has been reading, writing, meditating, and studying.   It is quite evident tat if you or I worked that hard, we would feel the same achievement he has, and try to apply our abilities to anything we do.   Aside from thinking though, Kamaswami is also very impressed with waiting as we see when he says, "Writing is good, thinking is better.   Cleverness is good, patience is better."      Ã‚  Ã‚   As much as Siddhartha thinks, his ability to wait is something that really defines his character even better.   This is also incorporates with fasting, as well as thinking, but by itself waiting is extremely important. I have found, in all my years, myself to be quite impatient.   This will probably harm me later in my life.   The ability to wait also spurs the ability to think, and fast.   Throughout all his studies, Siddhartha had to wait out the array of different teachings he went through to know truly in his heart, that they didn't apply to him.   To wait on something shows wisdom, and maturity.   These are traits that no good businessman can ignore, as Kamaswami realizes.   That is a major reason Siddhartha was hired.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Lastly, fasting is something that once again requires patience, and deep

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Language Behind Dawkins’ Selfish Gene Theory :: Science Selfish Gene Theory Essays

The Language Behind Dawkins’ Selfish Gene Theory According to Michael Polanyi, our understanding of a concept depends in part on the language we use to describe it. Connie Barlow's book, From Gaia to Selfish Genes, looks at metaphors in science as integral parts of some new biological theories. One example is Richard Dawkins' theory about the selfish gene, where he claims that the most basic unit of humanity, the gene, is a selfish entity unto itself that exists outside the realm of our individual good and serves its own distinct purpose. Dawkins looks at the evolutionary process, how DNA replicates in forming human life, and the possibility that there is a social parallel to genetics, where human traits can be culturally transmitted. Dawkins, in the excerpts that Barlow has chosen, uses heavily metaphoric language to explain these scientific concepts to the general public. However, the language that Dawkins uses, while thought provoking, also carries some negative implications that extend beyond his theory. The selfish gene theory has many positive aspects, but its metaphors detract in certain ways from the scientific message of Richard Dawkins. The metaphor behind Dawkins' theory can best be described by his opening statement: "we are survival machines-robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes" (Barlow 193). Dawkins links the natural behavior of unconscious bunches of nucleic acid (genes) to human behavior and personality by calling them "selfish." His use of this term conjures up the image of a separate individual, capable of making decisions to help its own good and disregarding our needs. By calling human beings "survival machines" and "robots," Dawkins suggests some serious moral implications regarding our existence. If we were just robots, it would seem that we would be no longer responsible for our actions, as people could attribute all evil to the gene programmers who created these robots. Also, if our primary purpose were to serve as a "survival machine" for something else, life would seem insignificant. John Maynard Smith writes that Dawkins' book is just about evolution , and "not about morals . . . or about the human sciences" (195). However, the attempt to disengage the selfish gene theory from its moral implications is seriously undermined by Dawkins' metaphors. The origin of the selfish gene, and of evolution itself, began in something Dawkins calls the "primeval soup," where protein molecules, by pure chance, bonded together to form "replicators," the ancestors of DNA (198).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Chinese nurse-client relationship Essay

The Chinese perspective of nursing Nursing is to understand the health status and concerns of a person, to devise interventions with appropriate health knowledge and skills. There are four Chinese characteristics of epistemic concerns. Qing (? ) is emotion. Li (? ) and zhi (? ) means knowing what is good and right in practice through scientific or systematic studies respectively. Xing (? ) is action. The chinese perspective of nurse To nurse, Chinese people generally argree that the role of the nurses is to report their conditions rapidly to doctors. A Confucian principle of hierarchical relationship between doctor and nurses shows that nurses should know their place, defer to their superiors anf know when to call doctors. Solution to chinese implication Some Chinese cultures like belief, value, attitudes and taboos may act as barriers of clients and nurses. It can be tackled by reminding the nurse to be cultural sensitive in caring process. For instances, nurses may consider characteristics of Chinese people. Chinese always avoid the word dead which is a symbol of unauspicious. They can tacit communication approach like euphemism which is indirect words using the end of life. Nurses may apply therapeutic communication strategies: -To be client-focused, problem-oriented and situational based -Classified as supportive-expressive, analytic and consultative -Directive and educationally focused The Chinese culture is conflicts between Chinese culture and health belief of western medicine. To solve it, we nurses acknowledge of culturally specific nature of problem. Another Chinese culture is the tradition perceive problem as family affairs. To solve it, we nurse can build up nurse-client relationship with strong bond of trust by more communication.

Manipulation of Psychology in Macbeth Essay

The play Macbeth highlights W paralyzediam Shakespeares own opinions on correlations between postting wrong acts and the manipulation of a persons psychology. trance modern mental research did not appear until the previous(a) 1800s it is evident that with the help of his son-in-law John dorm (a man who introduced unitary of the first psychological concepts of hypochondriac melancholy), Shakespeare was able to use galore(postnominal) psychological abnormalities to highlight that partaking in nefariousness changes the mind.But this little knowledge has left(p) plenty of room for ambiguity in Macbeth and has imparted in many modern debates to nobble over differing take inations of the play. One interpretation expound Shakespeare wished to show to his audience that mental sickness will form at heart them if they commit a particularly sinful act. While Shakespeare did not know the official diagnosing of mental disorders such as schizophrenia or bi-polar Robert Munro sta tes deep down his noblewoman Macbeth A Psychological Sketch that which a knowledge of psychology which was far in advance of his time e always speaks of the abnormal conditions of the mind with marvellous accuracy. In Act 5 a doctor comments on Lady Macbeths sleep walking saying violent kit and caboodle / Do breed touched troubles infected minds/ To their desensitise pillows will onslaught their secrets. This comment upon her case of what the responders of the time knew as Severe Somnambulism is the pinnacle of Shakespeares claim that guilt feelings from an unethical deed will result in an ill mind.The darkened stage and inclusion of a taper as a cherish in Lady Macbeths hands helps to ornament for the responders the issue of her mind falling into typic darkness as she struggles to cope with the guilt nominated by her deeds. Also personification of deaf pillows is used by Shakespeare to show that her grotesque habits of sleepwalking places Lady Macbeth in an uninvolve d situation as she tushnot tell anyone the cause of her troubles.Munro also states As to somnambulism, the well-nigh incredible views were held by Elizabethans it was regarded as a precognitive state in which the subjects were believed to be downstairs the influence of angles or demons. This contextual cause provides insight into how Shakespeare would birth terrified his responders by the inclusion of a disease in which they feared developing within Lady Macbeth as a result of her deeds. thence Macbeth is practically said to demonstrate that individuals will necessarily succumb to the maladies of the mind if they commit acts frowned upon by society and God. Another psychological correlation with unethical deeds is not one that is a result of them but in fact is the cause of them. Some interpret the play as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth world motivated to impinge on by a monomania- craving for children. Munro states it was clearly the intention of Shakespeare to read them n th e attitude of one paltry from the installs of an ever-increasing monomania This is first seen in Act 1 before the impinge on occurs, Lady Macbeth says I fork up addicted suck and know/ How tender tis to delight the babe that milks me before she says I would, epoch it was smiling in my face, / have pull off my nipple from his boneless gums / and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn / As you have done to this. This juxtaposition of love and annoyance towards an innocent symbol such as a child highlights a plentiful conflict of emotion occurring within her and provides reasons that she may not have had success with lift a healthy child.Lexical quality of the word tender still highlights her desire for a child which raises a supposition within responders that attempting to become king and fairy is their effort to become symbolic parents for a nation. Then passim the play murder follows Macbeth wherever he becomes jealous for the cornucopia of others such as Macduffs ch ildren and the break that Banquos children will become resultant kings. Freud effectively sums up the famous refer by Macduff He has no children in Act 4 when his family is murdered as Only because he himself is childless could he murder my children.Once again this happen imagery by dint ofout the play continues when in Act 4 Shakespeare uses the character of a bloody child to confront Macbeth which can be interpreted by responders as the child of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth who is assumed to have died of still birth or paranormal causes. Uses of these props and characters which reiterate the theme of family and children throughout the play create a significant motif which the Elizabethan audience could strike to as family values were significantly important.Hence Shakespeare uses this growing obsessive frustration at the inability to have a family within Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as a the motivating for their multiple acts of the unethical deed of murder. therefrom Shakespea re shows correlations in Macbeth between changing psychological patterns in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and unethical deeds such as murder through cause and effect. Cause being a monomania frustration causing to a greater extent unethical deeds to be committed. The effect being the development of mental affection which can cause somnambulism within an individual as a result of committing a crime.